January 18, 2019
Good Morning Fellow Travelers,
“Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be
sober.” I Thessalonians 5:6
Computer savvy individuals are daily drawn to the world-wide web. It is without much effort or thought that information flashes on the screen taking the mind in many directions. Can we be challenged to let www.com draw our minds heavenward?
Our Bible speaks of three “w” words that should flash through our minds in light of the Lord’s return. The first word is Watching, giving the idea of alertness. The Bible says,
“Watch…for ye know not the day nor the hour…” (Matthew 25:13)
It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power” (Acts 1:7).
There is coming a day when Christ will return for His own. The true Christian is prepared and expectant. He will not be taken off guard.
The second word is Waiting, giving the idea of having patience. Jesus’ coming again requires waiting by His followers. It involves staying right where He wants us at this time. Personal friends of ours have named their home “Linger Longer.” They enjoy company and do not want us to be quick to leave. Our fellowship and relaxation are rejuvenating. The Christian is to be excited about the Lord’s appearance, but he must learn to wait well. Persecution was heavy at Thessalonica, and the temptation was to be discouraged where God had them. Paul challenges them when he said,
“And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ” (II Thessalonians 3:5).
Keeping hope in the return of Christ propels the Christian and brings strength to go on. Beware of extremes – the prospect of the Lord’s soon return making us careless about details of life; and being so involved in things of this life that we do not look forward to the Lord’s coming.
The third word is Working, giving the idea of faithfulness. Paul notes in I Thessalonians that some people were not working. They were sponging off others, and he admonishes them for this (specifically II Thessalonians 3). They were sitting idly by waiting for the return of Christ instead of fulfilling their Christian duty to provide. There is work to be done for the kingdom. Stay busy at it.
“Comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, and do good to all men” (I Thessalonians 5:14,15).
All three of these “w” words are presented in I Thessalonians. Each chapter of this book speaks of the Lord’s return. Chapter 1:10 uses the word “wait,” 4:11 speaks of the need to “work,” and 5:6 instructs us to “watch.” It does not matter so much the order in which we remember these words but we must remember them. WORK, WATCH, and WAIT.
The Lord is coming (www.com)!
—Dale Eby