Can God Help Me?

Certainly He Can

Do you sometimes feel God doesn’t care about you? Did you know that God really DOES care about your life, your health, your finances, your relationships, and your inner struggles? But even more, He loves you and cares about your soul. He wants to make Himself known to you through His Son Jesus. He wants you to experience the peace of repentance and total surrender to Him, the assurance of your sins forgiven, and the freedom of a righteous life.

All of us have been rebellious and have sinned against God. We deserved to die. In God’s great mercy, however, He gave His Son Jesus to rescue us from sin and death. So that we need not die, Jesus voluntarily gave His life and died for us. The Father accepted Christ’s sacrifice for our sin, raised Him from the dead, restored Him to His former glory in heaven, and declared Him to be the Only Saviour of mankind (Acts 4:12).

Now God offers to pardon all who confess their guilt, repent of their sinfulness, and trust Jesus for cleansing. “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). By forsaking our sinfulness and yielding the control of our lives to Jesus Christ, we can be restored to fellowship with God and accepted into His family (Romans 8:11-17 and Romans 10:9, 10).

God is so interested in us experiencing spiritual life through His Son (John 3:3-21), that He will sometimes allow distress and calamity to bring us to Him. Many people want life to go on happily WITHOUT God. Others are content to have God as a kind of First Aid Officer, a standby in case of emergency. God wants to be our very LIFE. He wants to live in us, to be in close and constant fellowship with us, to be our God day and night.

Out of that life-and-breath closeness, God surely wants to HELP us. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

Have you been brought into fellowship with God? Through Jesus’ work on your behalf, you can be. How? Tell God you want to turn from your self-centered, sinful ways. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins because Jesus died for you. Invite Jesus Christ to come into your heart by His Holy Spirit and be your Lord. Trust Him to direct your life as you prayerfully read and obey His Word. Seek out other people who know and follow God, and join their fellowship for spiritual nurture and strength.

To learn more about God’s desire to help you in every area of your life, study the following verses in the Bible:

God Wants to Help You

He can save you from—

condemnation of your sins ……… Romans 8:1

spiritual death ……………… John 11:25, 26

the judgment of hell ….. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

He can liberate you from—

Satan’s domain …………… 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4

slavery to sin ………………….. John 8:31-36

fear of death ………………. Hebrews 2:14-18

He can help you—

appreciate the Bible ………… 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

know God’s plan for you ………. Proverbs 3:5, 6

know your own heart ………….. Mark 7:21-23

understand salvation …………. Hebrews 2:3-18

He can help you—

have rest, peace, joy ………… Matthew 11:28-30

maintain a clean conscience ……… 1 John 1:9-2:2

exercise self-control …………. Colossians 3:5-17

resist temptations ……………… James 4:4-10

He can help you—

withstand Satan and demons …. Ephesians 6:10-18

live above sin and bad habits ……. Romans 6:6-23

beware of covetousness ………… Luke 12:13-31

resist fears and worries …………. 2 Timothy 1:7

He can help you—

walk in the Spirit …………….. Romans 8:1-17

triumph in your trials ……….. Hebrews 12:5-15

cultivate Christian virtues ……. Galatians 5:22-26

He can help you—

deny yourself ……………… Philippians 2:3-8

follow Jesus Christ …………….. John 10:1-10

keep His commandments …… Matthew 22:35-40

He can help you—

pray effectively …………….. Matthew 6:5-15

forgive those who offend ……. Matthew 18:21-35

discipline your mind ……….. Philippians 4:4-8

—Gordon H. Wolfram, adapted

Christian Light Publications, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 Phone (540) 434-0768.