The Bread of God

July 3, 2018

Good Morning Fellow Travelers,

Read: John 6:26-51

“For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.”  John 6:33

Jesus is the Bread of God.  He is the food that we so greatly need to sustain our spiritual life in a world of widespread spiritual hunger.

People are desperately hungry and thirsty, yet the majority do not know what they are hungry for.  Many think that sin will satisfy, so they indulge in unrestrained lust and spiritual wickedness—which wreak havoc on their conscience and their bodies.

Jesus is the Bread of life.  There is no hunger that He does not satisfy.  This Bread came down from Heaven, so it is pure and nourishing.  It is the Bread that will give eternal life to all who eat it.  That includes you and me.  Jesus came to offer real life to us here and now.  If we are getting sick of the crust of sin in the world, we need the Bread of God.

Jesus is not stale bread or dry bread, but Living Bread.  How do we eat this food, the living Bread of God?  In John 6:47-48 Jesus explained that He is the Bread from Heaven, and that believing in Him secures life for us now which is free from hunger and is eternally satisfying.  Eating the Bread of God means having faith in Jesus and being faithful to Him.

You and I will never be satisfied on our own.  We must eat the Bread that God has provided for our souls, or we will be forever hungry and looking for food somewhere else.  We will never truly rest until we rest in Christ.  We will never be full until we are filled with Him.  He will provide all the nourishment we need, now and eternally.

– James Baer